[Open discussion on idea] Git shell prompt daemon

Alexander Mezin mezin.alexander at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 15:41:16 UTC 2014

2014-03-28 15:53 GMT+07:00 Sindhu S <sindhus at live.in>:
> Hi!
> Out of curiosity, why is repo tool by Google not suited here?
> Thanks.

As I try to apply for GSoC, in particular, for this project, I think I
could and should participate in this discussion.

So, about the repo tool:
I din't use it, but documentation looks like it doesn't do anything
with command line prompt at all.

About the project in general:
There is a problem, that (AFAIK) could be solved only with daemon.
If you have any script that shows repository status in command line
prompt, try to cd to some large repository (like linux kernel). Even
on fast and powerful machine you'll notice relatively long (and
annoying) delay. Offloading hard work to daemon and, maybe, doing it
ahead of time, could solve the problem.

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