[Open discussion on idea] Git shell prompt daemon

Tim Niemueller tim at niemueller.de
Fri Mar 28 16:24:10 UTC 2014

Dear Mikolaj.

Thanks for the clarification. It starts to make sense to me now. For the
git part though, the features seem to be pretty much available today
using the git prompt feature for bash.

In general, do you intend to extend the bash, or have something started
with the bashrc/profile/your-shell-file-here? One typical complaint
about stuff executed each time to form the prompt is that it can slow
things down considerably. Here your libgit solution could help, but how
would this scale to more plugins without a large performance penalty?
Maybe some info about the architecture this would use could help here.
The daemon idea shounds sensible, talking via dbus? Still, how would
this be integrated with the command line. And ahead of time: sounds like
it could become a second tracker/beagle desaster caching tons of unused
data being one more nuisance...

I do think this is useful, there are just so many questions and details
unclear currently.


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