
Lahiru Pathirage lpsandaruwan at
Tue Mar 10 09:28:51 UTC 2015

I am Lahiru Sandaruwan Pathirage, a university student(University of
Colombo School of Computing) from Sri Lanka, expecting BSc in computer
science in 2016. I've been looking forward to participate GSOC 2015 and I
found the "Implement tiny kdump" project, which am interested in.
I have a 5 years of experience using Linux operating systems, mostly
Archlinux and Fedora. And have completed the course module "Operating
systems" in my degree program which contains core mechanisms of operating
systems. Also I have learnt kernel module programming, C/C++, assembly,
python and a good knowledge about Linux kernel.
I like to know whether there are any qualification tasks.

Thank you.
Lahiru Sandaruwan Pathirage (lpathirage)
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