
Gaurav Narula gnarula94 at
Mon Mar 16 18:20:40 UTC 2015

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 5:17 AM, Till Maas <opensource at> wrote:

> I noticed that the prototype is not yet licensed using an open source
> license. It is good to do this right from the beginning by choosing a
> license and clearly stating it.

Added the License.

> Also about the UTF-8 limitation: Assuming that patches contain only
> UTF-8 characters will not work, because there might even be patches that
> contain for example both latin1 and UTF-8 characters, because they
> change the encoding of some files. For the descriptive data before the
> actual patch it is ok to assume UTF-8.
Parsed the descriptive data using UTF-8 and the patch contents are now
hyperlinked to Fedora CGIT.

> And for the patch tracker itself: The displayed information should
> center on the patches itself, i.e. it is more important which patches
> are included in Fedora at all than to find out which releases contain
> which patches.

That's how it is now. The package page displays a list of patches and
clicking on them would bring up the releases they exist in. It currently
tracks branches matching f[0-9]+ but the next commit would include support
for master, epel and el[0-9]+ branches as well

Please do have a look at the updated deployment [] and the source at

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