
Till Maas opensource at
Tue Mar 10 23:47:58 UTC 2015

Hi Gaurav,

thank you for your nice public introduction.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 12:50:55PM +0530, Gaurav Narula wrote:

> I'd really appreciate some feedback and suggestions on the prototype and I
> look forward to making it even better.
> Looking forward to contributing this summer.
> P.S. Please abide by the limitations in the readme while trying out the
> prototype until the design is improved.

I noticed that the prototype is not yet licensed using an open source
license. It is good to do this right from the beginning by choosing a
license and clearly stating it.

Also about the UTF-8 limitation: Assuming that patches contain only
UTF-8 characters will not work, because there might even be patches that
contain for example both latin1 and UTF-8 characters, because they
change the encoding of some files. For the descriptive data before the
actual patch it is ok to assume UTF-8.

And for the patch tracker itself: The displayed information should
center on the patches itself, i.e. it is more important which patches
are included in Fedora at all than to find out which releases contain
which patches.

Kind Regards

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