Regarding content of the proposal need to be submitted on the melange page

Kushal Das kushaldas at
Tue Mar 24 04:35:55 UTC 2015

On 22/03/15, Dp Docs wrote:
> I just have one question.  what will be content of the application that
> need to be submitted on melange page. Is it the same application that we
> have created on the fedora wiki page? As First we need to create an
> application on fedora wiki page as given on this link..
> Then we will go this
> page :
> here is a mention on application that need to be submitted on the melange
> page.My doubt is the "application" mentioned on both of these pages are
> same or different? if Different, what should be the content of the
> application mentioned on the later one?
> ​Please respond
> Thanks​
You will have to submit the main proposal through the melange. The other
mentors, and admins, and Google will rate the proposal based on what you
have written there.

Fedora Cloud Engineer
CPython Core Developer
Director @ Python Software Foundation

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