heads-up: upstart reversion coming soon

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 17:01:07 UTC 2010

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:50:14 -0400
Bill Nottingham wrote:

> I do too. I suspect for situations like this we at a minimum need to
> adopt a more formal process for pulling feedback/votes/whatever outside
> of the meeting timeframe, whether it's calling a special session, enforcing
> a 'you must vote in the ticket by this timeframe or your vote is counted
> as <foo>', or something else.

You left out removing the fanatical devotion to releasing every six months :-).
I've really never understood that one. Why is virtually everything subordinate
to getting a release out at an artificial deadline? Why not just release when
there appears to be enough things working to justify a new release?

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