? kde: save/restore session: only save on user request! Is it possible?

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Sun Apr 11 22:20:46 UTC 2004

I've used kde with several linux distributions. Most of the older ones
had a checkbox on the logout confirmation pop-up to indicate if I wanted
the session saved or not. My most recent kde (before fedora) came with my
mandrake 9.1 which had a save kde session choice in the kmenu and a
configuration choice somewhere to only save on user request. 

Either way enabled me to start up the few applications I'd like to have
restored the next time I run startx. and then to save the configuration.

 From then on I didn't need to worry about getting my desktop cluttered. 
Because when I ran logout all the applications were closed, and only the
few I configured would be restored next time. Sort of like having a maid
service. <grin>

I haven't found either a save kde session menu item, nor a way to stop the
auto save from happening on logout. Am I missing something, or did that
get left out of fedora??? If it matters I'm using FC1.

I suppose that if I knew what file it was saved to, I could carefully
configure the desktop to the way I want it, logout, copy the file
someplace else, and write a shell script that copies it back before
running startx for me. Then all I'd have to do would be to remember to
use my script instead of typing startx myself. 

But I'm not sure about doing this because:

A) I don't know what file to copy.

B) I figure it may also contain other information that does need to be updated 
   in the same file. 

But if this is safe to do, would somebody tell me the name of the file? 


|      ?           ?		
|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...    	
|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.  	
|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
|			  <jtwdyp at ttlc.net> 
|      ?           ?		

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