? kde: save/restore session: only save on user request! Is it possible?

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Tue Apr 13 22:36:33 UTC 2004

It would appear that on Apr 11, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook did say:

> Subject: ? kde: save/restore session: only save on user request! Is it
>     possible?
> I haven't found either a save kde session menu item, nor a way to stop the
> auto save from happening on logout. Am I missing something, or did that
> get left out of fedora??? If it matters I'm using FC1.

Nevermind, I found it... 

I don't know how I missed it in:

Kmenu->Control Center->KDE Components->Session Manager

But somehow I didn't see it there. It might have helped If I remembered
where I found it (one time) in my MDK 9.1. But the setting to restore manually
saved session is something I only needed once... The dif is with MDK the
Kmenu wasn't automatically updating properly... So the save session menu
item was there even when the restore previous session was selected. 

I have to admit that FC1 is already working so much better than my MDK9.1,
that I almost never boot MDK anymore. Especially now that I've got the
session manager on my side <g>

Well Thanks anyway. I guess it didn't hurt none for me to have to look
at all the visible choices as many times as it took to actually see what
I must have looked at 5 times. <sigh> But it's Soooo obvious that all I
can figure is that every time I got close, musta been when that dang
phone would ring. (it's been driving me nutz lately) 

|    ^^^   ^^^
|    <o>   <o>	     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	 ^    		  J(tWdy)P
|	___	       <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>
|      <sigh>

But if I actually knew everything, then I'd know I was an idiot...

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