moving /home to its own partition

Duncan Lithgow duncan at
Sun Feb 13 17:39:26 UTC 2005

my /home partition has filled up so I need to move it. I used qtparted to 
format a 9Gig section of my disk to ext2 - cool - but, I've read a few 
explanation and still can't understand how to move /home so it still works 
properly. At the moment /home is on the same partition as the rest of my 

The new partition is /hda8 and /home has /dulithgow and /mbschmidt in it. I 
understand that i have to create a new line in fstab - something like:
/dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 0 0
and create a suitable folder in mnt?

I'm lost when it comes to actualy doing any of this.

Help appreciated...

Linux user #372812
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