moving /home to its own partition

Glenn Story glenn.story at
Sun Feb 13 17:51:22 UTC 2005

There's more than one way to do it, but here's the steps I would take.
 (All this is done by root).

1.  Move the existing /home to a new place.

mv /home /oldhome

2.  Create the new home mount point.

mkdir /home

3.   Mount your new partition

mount -t ext2 /dev/hda8 /home

4.  Copy data from the old location to the new location.

rsync -a /oldhome/  /home/

5.  Add the new entry to fstab:

/dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 0 0

(This is exactly the entry you specified. )

6.  Test the fstab entry.

umount /home
mount -a
ls /home

Your new files should be mounted.

7.  After a week or so, or whenever you're comforortable your new
configuration is working properly, you can delete the old home

rm -rf /oldhome

This scheme assumes you have kicked other users (if any) off the
system so they're not using the old /home.

-- Glenn

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:39:26 +0100, Duncan Lithgow
<duncan at> wrote:
> my /home partition has filled up so I need to move it. I used qtparted to
> format a 9Gig section of my disk to ext2 - cool - but, I've read a few
> explanation and still can't understand how to move /home so it still works
> properly. At the moment /home is on the same partition as the rest of my
> instalation.
> The new partition is /hda8 and /home has /dulithgow and /mbschmidt in it. I
> understand that i have to create a new line in fstab - something like:
> /dev/hda8 /home ext2 defaults 0 0
> and create a suitable folder in mnt?
> I'm lost when it comes to actualy doing any of this.
> Help appreciated...
> Duncan
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