yum update installed apache?

Paul Howarth paul at city-fan.org
Tue Aug 1 15:32:19 UTC 2006

Phil wrote:
> I did not install apache, then I ran "yum update" as root.
> Now Apache is istalled....

It may have been a new dependency of an already-installed package.

> What syntax do I use to only "update" the packages I have currently
> installed?

"yum update" is correct.

> Now I have to reinstall since I am not 100% sure of what else was
> installed...

Look in /var/log/yum.log to see what got installed.

You could also do:

# yum remove httpd

to find out what package(s) has/have dependencies on httpd. Yum will 
propose to remove them along with httpd. You may find that the list 
includes packages you actually want, so be prepared to reply "n" when 
yum asks for confirmation of the deletion.


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