yum update installed apache?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Aug 1 15:41:33 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 01 August 2006 17:24, Phil wrote:
> I did not install apache, then I ran "yum update" as root.
> Now Apache is istalled....
> What syntax do I use to only "update" the packages I have currently
> installed?
> Now I have to reinstall since I am not 100% sure of what else was
> installed...
> Phil
> Thanks.

Yum update will only update the packages that are installed already. I don't 
know which FC version you are using, but on installing the OS you normally 
have to specifically select httpd (Apache) for it to be installed. You can 
install Yumex. "yum install yumex", which is a GUI for Yum, and look for 
httpd, under "remove packages" to see if httpd is installed, then just remove 
it, if you don't want it.


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