Tomcat Help

Ryan Ollerenshaw ryanollerenshaw at
Fri Aug 4 15:57:43 UTC 2006

On 8/3/06, Ryan Ollerenshaw <ryanollerenshaw at> wrote:
> I am able to compile a java mapscript file from the command line using:
> javac -classpath ./mapscript.jar
> But when i try to turn my code into a servelt and run it over Tomcat i keep
> getting:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no mapscript in java.library.path
> I have tried adding: export CLASSPATH=./mapscript.jar
> to my ./tomcat5/bin/ file but that does not seem to help.  Am i
> missing a setting somewhere, why cant Tomcat find the .jar file?  I have it
> in the same directory as my .java file and also in /common/lib and
> /shared/lib
> Thank you for any help that you can provide

Getting closer to the solution.  I have found i can use the following
code to print out the classpath that my program is actaully using the
code is:

Get the System Classloader
        ClassLoader sysClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

        //Get the URLs
        URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader)sysClassLoader).getURLs();

        for(int i=0; i< urls.length; i++)

and the classpath that is printed is:


But i am not sure where this is getting set, i do have the following
in my /tomcat5/bin/

export CLASSPATH=./mapscript.jar:.:/etc/tomcat5/webapps/my_test/WEB-INF/classes

so why is this not my classpath at run time??

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