Tomcat Help

Chong Yu Meng chongym at
Fri Aug 4 16:24:14 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 08:57 -0700, Ryan Ollerenshaw wrote:

> so why is this not my classpath at run time??

IIRC, Tomcat resets the classpath when it starts up, so it does not
matter what you put in your system classpath or even if you tweak the I could be wrong though, since it has been years (literally)
since I touched Tomcat. 

But if you want your JAR file to be in the classpath, there are two
directories that I seem to recall where you can place the file:


But it would help if you could answer the following questions:

1. What is the URL that you key into the browser location bar to access
the servlet? This is VERY important, because most problems come from the
location and the mapping of the servlet.
2. What is the current location for your JAR file?
3. Does the web application get loaded at all? What are the errors in
catalina.out when you startup Tomcat? You can check if the web
application even exists in Tomcat by accessing the Manager web
application (if you installed it). 

Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at 

"La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance
appartient à l’humanité. et que c’est la flamme qui illumine le monde."

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