How to restart alsa?

Janina Sajka janina at
Mon Aug 7 15:17:53 UTC 2006

Nigel Henry writes:
> On Saturday 05 August 2006 17:46, Paul Smith wrote:
> > On 8/5/06, Nigel Henry <cave.dnb at> wrote:
> > > > How can one restart alsa?
> > > >
snip snip ...
> That's odd. I've just been into FC5, presuming that's what your using, to 
> check it out, and alsasound is there. I am using a kernel from planetccrma, 

Precisely why you have the alsasound service. You're using the CCRMA
kernel, and therefore also the CCRMA alsa-utils, most likely.

In their infinite wisdom, Fedora appears to believe that sound is not a
service, or not something that might require restarts without a reboot.
I find that strange thinking, but they don't ask me. Clearly, CRMA also
believes that sound might require a restart--but that expertise has also
not impressed the Fedora decision makers.

You need a copy of the alsasound script from the CCRMA packages. Just
plop it into /etc/init.d and you'll be good to go with the traditional:

service alsasound start/restart/stop 


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