How to restart alsa?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Mon Aug 7 17:17:29 UTC 2006

On Monday 07 August 2006 17:17, Janina Sajka wrote:
> Nigel Henry writes:
> > On Saturday 05 August 2006 17:46, Paul Smith wrote:
> > > On 8/5/06, Nigel Henry <cave.dnb at> wrote:
> > > > > How can one restart alsa?
> snip snip ...
> > That's odd. I've just been into FC5, presuming that's what your using, to
> > check it out, and alsasound is there. I am using a kernel from
> > planetccrma,
> Precisely why you have the alsasound service. You're using the CCRMA
> kernel, and therefore also the CCRMA alsa-utils, most likely.

I've used planetccrma since not long after I'd got into computing with FC1. 
Couldn't get the sound working until I found planetccrma by accident, but I'm 
very gratefull that I came across the site, and all the audio apps. Being 
able to stop and start Alsa has been quite usefull, as you get error messages 
if there is a problem with stopping or starting it.  I'd had problems on FC1, 
and 2 with the USB midi keyboard being detected as card 0, and consequently 
the soundcard as card 1 was producing no sound, but since FC3 that problem 
has been resolved. OOTB, FC3,4, and 5 have set the cards in the correct 
order. The actual soundcard as card 0, and the USB midi keyboard is ignored. 
a /etc/modprobe.conf only shows the actual soundcard, and not the USB midi 
keyboard, so this is obviously being handled automagically somehow, because 
the keyboard works.
> In their infinite wisdom, Fedora appears to believe that sound is not a
> service, or not something that might require restarts without a reboot.
> I find that strange thinking, but they don't ask me. Clearly, CRMA also
> believes that sound might require a restart--but that expertise has also
> not impressed the Fedora decision makers.
> You need a copy of the alsasound script from the CCRMA packages. Just
> plop it into /etc/init.d and you'll be good to go with the traditional:
> service alsasound start/restart/stop

I'll try that. I have one FC5 install with planetccrma, and the other FC5 
without. I'll borrow the alsasound script from the planetccrma one.

It is usefull to be able to stop and start Alsa. I have seen quite a few folks 
having problems with the snd-hda-intel driver on laptops. Apparently there 
are variations in the soundcard chip on some laptops causing the 
snd-hda-intel driver not to work, and being able to stop and start Alsa is 
easier than having to reboot to restart Alsa, after you have tried something 
new to get the soundcard working.
> Janina

Thanks for that.


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