Changing Host name help please

Jack Gates jlgates at
Wed Aug 9 19:18:12 UTC 2006

This is from my /etc/hosts file

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain

What is the proper way to change this file so that:
localhost.localdomain is replaced with something more useful for 
identification of my FC5 box on my network?

Can I just edit this file or is there another location to do this and 
are there any other files that need to change?

What other information can go in the /etc/hosts file?

I have tried changing this before but the OS complains when I boot.  
It says something like unknown host name or can't determine the host 
name.  so I have left this alone.  It looks like I will need to 
change it so I can hopefully get my printer set up for my wife's Win 
XP box to use.


Jack Gates

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