need help in writing spamassassin rules on FC3

Ankush Grover ankush174 at
Fri Aug 11 06:07:59 UTC 2006

 You may want to take a look in pregmatching, such as (or similar,
haven't tried this):

subject VIAGRA_SPAM_1 /^.*V[a-z]*i[a-z]*a[a-z]*g[a-z]*r[a-z]*a.*$/i
describe VIAGRA_SPAM_1 This is probably a viagra spam message
score VIAGRA_SPAM_1 10.0

Thanks I have added this rule.
> 2.  The are spam ninjas who have already written many add-on rules for
> SpamAssassin to catch almost all of what you're attempting to write your
> own rules for.  You just need to download the rules and put them into
> your SpamAssassin config directory.  Check out the rules at the Rules
> Emporium:

Thanks for the reply. I added the ruledujour script to automatically
add new spam rules to the spamassassin database.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover

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