IBM POS Machine and Fedora

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Fri Aug 11 11:30:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 05:26 +0000, Nathan J Crubel wrote:
> I was wondering what Fedora would run great on an IBM POS machine with
> a Cyrix 166 and 32mb of memory.  I am looking on running a Java
> Application.  Any help you can switch my way would be great.

I wouldn't think it possible.  I was under the impression that Java is a
bit resource hungry.

I once shoe-horned a very cut down version onto a 266 MHz PII with 64
megs of RAM, but it was a text-only system used just as a very simple
webserver.  Now it's got a lot more RAM, and runs in graphical mode.
Though it's still mainly used as a webserver, and sometimes as a
jukebox.  Starting things going is the main problem with such a slow
machine, once they're up and running it's quite nice.

Not sure whether you mean point-of-sale, or piece-of-shit, machine, with
your POS acronym.  But it's probably not too hard to find a better PC to
do your thing with, rather than try fighting with a very low spec box.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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