Image Browser

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Sun Aug 13 23:08:58 UTC 2006

On Sunday August 13 2006 5:55 pm, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> I have not tried it. I can't even even find it. But never mind this is a
> subjective decision. But I am willing to learn. Have you ever tried xv?
> In what way is xnview superior?

Just tried xv - seems OK. I offer XnView as another option. I'm not touting 
it. If you tire of one, try another. Each have their own architecture, and 
feature set - depending on what you want, one may serve in one situation, and 
another, in a different. Do you want auto-resize, do you want to fill the 
screen with no menus or window frames visible, do you want slide show, do you 
want primitive editing, do you want more image types, etc, etc, etc... I 
often fire up Irfanview in Linux, a Windows program, just because it meets 
certain very specific needs. 
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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