Image Browser

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Sun Aug 13 23:30:40 UTC 2006

Greetings Claude ,

Claude Jones wrote:
> On Sunday August 13 2006 5:55 pm, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>> I have not tried it. I can't even even find it. But never mind this is a
>> subjective decision. But I am willing to learn. Have you ever tried xv?
>> In what way is xnview superior?
> Just tried xv - seems OK. I offer XnView as another option. I'm not touting 
> it. If you tire of one, try another. Each have their own architecture, and 
> feature set - depending on what you want, one may serve in one situation, and 
> another, in a different. Do you want auto-resize, do you want to fill the 
> screen with no menus or window frames visible, do you want slide show, do you 
> want primitive editing, do you want more image types, etc, etc, etc... I 
> often fire up Irfanview in Linux, a Windows program, just because it meets 
> certain very specific needs. 

:)) . It's difficult to argue with such an opinion . I agree with you . 
I even keep a Windows installation for some very specific things . I 
even have a Fedora Core 1 installation as a backdoor to my Fedora Core 4 
installation .


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