Is there an easy way to bring my wifi card at boot / init 3?[Scanned]

Matthew Saltzman mjs at
Tue Aug 15 23:53:12 UTC 2006

On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, Chris Bradford wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm using the bcm43xx built-in kernel driver with the firmware from my 
> windows driver. It works a treat with Network Manager but I really want to 
> have this card brought up automatically at startup. Its a desktop that will 
> only ever connect to the network 'linksys' that uses wpa-psk encryption if 
> that helps.
> Is there a simple, non-interactive way to do this?

Turn off NetworkManager (service NetworkManager stop; chkconfig 
NetworkManager off).  Then configure the card using system-config-network.

> Thanks is advance,
> -Chris
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 		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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