Is there an easy way to bring my wifi card at boot / init 3?[Scanned]

Matthew Saltzman mjs at
Wed Aug 16 11:33:05 UTC 2006

On Tue, 15 Aug 2006, Patrick Doyle wrote:

>> Trade NetworkManager for network.
>> ie:
>> sudo service NetworkManager stop
>> sudo service NetworkManagerDispatcher stop
>> sudo chkconfig NetworkManager off
>> sudo chkconfig NetworkManagerDispatcher off
>> sudo chkconfig --level 2345 network on
> Hmm.... does this imply that NetworkManager and network are
> incompatible?  I installed and enabled NetworkManager (and the
> dispatcher), but I didn't disable "network".  Should I?

It seems to be recommended in general--NM is not designed to work smoothly 
with the network service.  If none of your interfaces are brought up at 
boot time, then it probably is not an issue.

Note that NM really isn't designed for machines whose network 
configuration is static.  On the other hand, AIUI, an upcoming feature of 
NM will allow it to control interfaces at boot time.

> --wpd

 		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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