Fedora Core 5 Issues

Peter Reed mrdeadworry at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 00:05:35 UTC 2006

Andy Green wrote:
> Roger wrote:
>> Jul 16 19:50:18 asterix kernel: ata1: port reset, p_is 0 is 0 pis 0 
>> cmd 4c017 tf 7f ss 0 se 0
> Hm there it seems to be resetting the device
>> starts to just die and then i guess switches to read-only mode and i 
>> cant even use ssh to get into the machine, such that i always reset 
>> it, but when i do it just runs for 4 days max and then just dies, do 
>> you reckon it to be the hard drive that is now weak or what.
> I read some time ago there is some design tradeoff for the bearings on 
> hard drives, they can be optimized for running a long time or for 
> stopping and starting like on a laptop drive.  Maybe that is something 
> to do with it.
> Your problem does sound about the same as what I experienced, also on 
> x86_64, mine was an nVidia chipset DFI Lanparty board.
>> I have since replaced that server with a smaller machine running on 
>> FC3 with but uses a lot less memory and does not complain at all.
> My box was also up 24hrs being a mailserver.  I replaced it with an 
> embedded ARM board that draws 1.5W and a USB flash pen.  I wrote an 
> article about it here:  http://warmcat.com/_wp/?p=5   But of course it 
> just does my mail, not 1000 users.
>> Do you reckon it could be the SATA Drivers which kill the hard drives!
> Sorry I don't have any answers, I dropped that machine after the second 
> drive was killed and it is sitting in the corner looking lonely.  But 
> then I would think more people would be hitting this problem if it was 
> simply a driver issue.  Maybe it requires extended uptimes on the box in 
> addition?
> -Andy
I am running an AMD 3800 x2 without any problems on the newest kernel on 
and gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 without any problems. I have two IDE drives and 
two SATA drives and everything is fine. So I have to say there is no 
problem with the x86_64 kernels. I have been happy so far except for the 
  32 bit only stuff like flash.

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