Fedora Core 5 Issues

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Wed Aug 16 06:32:48 UTC 2006

Peter Reed wrote:

> I am running an AMD 3800 x2 without any problems on the newest kernel on 
> and gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 without any problems. I have two IDE drives and 
> two SATA drives and everything is fine. So I have to say there is no 

Is your box up 24/7?

> problem with the x86_64 kernels. I have been happy so far except for the 
>  32 bit only stuff like flash.

Well I also had many months of the same good service and yes it's not 
clear it is any problem of the kernel, it can be the PSU for example.

On flash, you can remove your 64-fit firefox and install the 32-bit one 
instead, then flash works fine.


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