How to create an RPM from a source tarball?

Aly Dharshi aly.dharshi at
Fri Aug 18 22:09:50 UTC 2006

Wouldn't it be a rpmbuild -ta source_tarball but it should have spec 
file in the tarball I believe, could be wrong.


Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Kyle Hamar wrote:
>> On 8/18/06, Patrick Doyle <wpdster at> wrote:
>>> I'm pretty sure that I read in a Fedora book once about a utility that
>>> would create an RPM from a sourceball.
>> Look for "rpmbuild --rebuild" which should do what you want.
> I thought --rebuild and --recompile only worked on source RPMs... I
> think the OP was asking about non-RPM sources.
> Mikkel

Aly S.P Dharshi
aly.dharshi at

	 "A good speech is like a good dress
	  that's short enough to be interesting
	  and long enough to cover the subject"

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