How to create an RPM from a source tarball?

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Fri Aug 18 22:23:44 UTC 2006

Greetings Aly,

Aly Dharshi wrote:
> Wouldn't it be a rpmbuild -ta source_tarball 

Exactly that. The command as you stated is :

# rpmbuild -ta pine.tar.gz ( That would be pine , the email client ) .

One note here , though , the Original Poster should be using Fedora Core 
  2 and above in order for the above command to work , for Fedora Core 1 
it is done differently ( man rpm would provide the way ).

but it should have spec  file in the tarball I believe, could be wrong.

I believe you are not .

Now as also stated

# rpmbuild --rebuild would work but on *.src.rpm files only

And a small addition for the Original Poster :

I believe you will find the above link useful .

Kind Regards,

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