Does polling stop acpid working?

David A. De Graaf dad at
Sun Aug 20 21:29:06 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 11:46:01AM +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 August 2006 11:39, Johannes Christian wrote:
> > what about the acpi daemon? is it running well or not?
> Yes, acpid is always running.
> (I don't know if it is running "well",
> how do you tell?)

The acpid daemon logs all the events that it sees to /var/log/acpid

What is recorded there when you close and open the lid?  or press
Fn-F4 (on my T30) to initiate sleep?

Based on what I saw there, I've created these files to make it work:

******* /etc/acpi/events/lid.conf *******


******* /etc/acpi/events/sleep.conf *******


> > > My ThinkPad (T20) does not shutdown properly.
> > > I'm told that this is because I am polling the temperature
> > > (with cpuinfo), and also the battery.

I don't know about the T20, but my T30 sleeps and hibernates properly
provided that I use pm-suspend and pm-hibernate, respectively.
Make sure you have installed the pm-utils package, eg, 
    yum install pm-utils

The other way of sleeping,  acpitool -s ,   doesn't work.
There have been some changes in recent kernels.  I'm currently running
kernel-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 in which pm-suspend works correctly.

	David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
	dad at

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