Does polling stop acpid working?

Timothy Murphy tim at
Sun Aug 20 23:08:12 UTC 2006

On Sunday 20 August 2006 22:29, David A. De Graaf wrote:

> > On Tuesday 01 August 2006 11:39, Johannes Christian wrote:
> > > what about the acpi daemon? is it running well or not?
> >
> > Yes, acpid is always running.
> > (I don't know if it is running "well",
> > how do you tell?)
> The acpid daemon logs all the events that it sees to /var/log/acpid
> What is recorded there when you close and open the lid?  or press
> Fn-F4 (on my T30) to initiate sleep?

Yes, this seems to be recorded,
though I have not set up any software to use the sleep command,
so this has no effect:
[Sun Aug 20 23:43:55 2006] received event "button/lid LID 00000080 0000000d"
[Sun Aug 20 23:43:55 2006] notifying client 1991[68:68]
[Sun Aug 20 23:43:55 2006] completed event "button/lid LID 00000080 0000000d"
[Sun Aug 20 23:44:00 2006] received event "button/lid LID 00000080 0000000e"
[Sun Aug 20 23:44:00 2006] notifying client 1991[68:68]
[Sun Aug 20 23:44:00 2006] completed event "button/lid LID 00000080 0000000e"
[Sun Aug 20 23:45:08 2006] received event "button/sleep SLPB 00000080 
[Sun Aug 20 23:45:08 2006] notifying client 1991[68:68]
[Sun Aug 20 23:45:08 2006] completed event "button/sleep SLPB 00000080 

> I don't know about the T20, but my T30 sleeps and hibernates properly
> provided that I use pm-suspend and pm-hibernate, respectively.

I wasn't actually asking about suspend or hibernate,
I was asking why shutdown does not work properly on my T20 -
the disk stops, but the machine does not usually turn off.
It doesn't particularly worry me, since I assume 
as the disk is no longer spinning
nothing bad can happen if I press the power button for 10 seconds.
And in fact nothing bad does seem to happen.

I suspect this issue is connected to acpi,
although it still happens now I have turned off 
the cpuinfo temperature indicator.

> Make sure you have installed the pm-utils package, eg,
>     yum install pm-utils

I'm not sure of the relevance to my problem,
but I do in fact have this package installed.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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