Crappy HDDs Killing Computers

Marc linuxr at
Tue Aug 22 16:48:41 UTC 2006

Uh, Seagate just bought Maxtor, fyi.

I have had a lot of trouble with shuttle machines and seagate drives that
get hot and BURN UP due to bad design of the case which doesn't dissipate
heat.  It only happens with the second drive installed.  I have replaced
some seagates with Maxtor drives and I have not had the problem.  I am
convinced that it is not a 'bad batch' of drives since the machines were
bought over a time period of about a year.

That's my hard drive story of the day.


On 8/22/06, Chong Yu Meng <chongym at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 14:18 +0100, Andy Green wrote:
> > I guess you must be right and I was in the wrong
> > store at the wrong time buying the wrong product.
> >
> In Singapore, a lot of us believe that such a confluence of bad luck
> means that good luck must be around the corner! Buy yourself a lottery
> ticket ! Or give me the last four digits of the hard disk's serial
> number and I will buy myself a lottery ticket ! ;)
> --
> Pascal Chong
> email:  chongym at
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> pgp:
> "La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance
> appartient à l'humanité. et que c'est la flamme qui illumine le monde."
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