Crappy HDDs Killing Computers

alan alan at
Tue Aug 22 16:50:41 UTC 2006

On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Marc  wrote:

> Uh, Seagate just bought Maxtor, fyi.
> I have had a lot of trouble with shuttle machines and seagate drives that
> get hot and BURN UP due to bad design of the case which doesn't dissipate
> heat.  It only happens with the second drive installed.  I have replaced
> some seagates with Maxtor drives and I have not had the problem.  I am
> convinced that it is not a 'bad batch' of drives since the machines were
> bought over a time period of about a year.
> That's my hard drive story of the day.

I used to heat my apartment with a 4.2gig Seagate SCSI drive.

No, I am not kidding.  It ran that hot.  (And it was a small apartment.)

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from... the FIRE HOOOOOSE!"
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