caching-nameserver vs sendmail

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Aug 23 16:47:12 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 08:29 -0700, Geoffrey Leach wrote: 
> I installed caching-nameserver and checked the config against to the  
> DNS HOWTO. All appeared to be working well, with /etc/resolv.conf  
> reading 'nameserver'  However, on reboot sendmail hung on  
> startup.  Any ideas?

Hmm, do you have a hostname for your PC that is it something other than
localhost?  *That* hostname needs to be resolvable.

e.g. If your machine was known as "mailserver" at the
domain, and an IP address of, it'd have a FQDN name of
"", and you'd want your DNS server to have the
appropriate records correlating the names and IP addresses.  Probably in
both directions (forward zone that answers with that IP for that name,
and a reverse zone that answers with that name for that IP).

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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I read messages from the public lists.

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