caching-nameserver vs sendmail

Geoffrey Leach geoff at
Thu Aug 24 23:06:06 UTC 2006

On 08.23 09:47, Tim wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 08:29 -0700, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> > I installed caching-nameserver and checked the config against to the
> > DNS HOWTO. All appeared to be working well, with /etc/resolv.conf
> > reading 'nameserver'  However, on reboot sendmail hung on
> > startup.  Any ideas?
> Hmm, do you have a hostname for your PC that is it something other
> than
> localhost?  *That* hostname needs to be resolvable.
> e.g. If your machine was known as "mailserver" at the
> domain, and an IP address of, it'd have a FQDN name of
> "", and you'd want your DNS server to have the
> appropriate records correlating the names and IP addresses.  Probably
> in
> both directions (forward zone that answers with that IP for that name,
> and a reverse zone that answers with that name for that IP).

Yup, that's the problem.  /etc/sysconfig/network says, but that host's not in /etc/hosts. Making  
that change resolved the problem and as an unexpected side-benefit  
dramantically speeded up the startup of sendmail in the non-caching-DNS  
case. Thanks.

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