Want uni-processor kernel on FC5 x86_64

Jay Cliburn jacliburn at bellsouth.net
Fri Aug 25 11:25:06 UTC 2006

Harald Grossauer wrote:
> Hi,
> since the upgrade to FC5.x86_64 (from FC3.x86_64) Thunderbird sometimes 
> locks up when downloading large emails (not always reproducible), 
> Firefox frequently hangs (irreproducibly) without apparent reason. 
> Starting both programs with "strace -f ..." shows that the last system 
> call before lockups are futex syscalls. So I thought there might be some 
> race condition? Maybe it has to do with the SMP kernel used by default 
> in 64bit FC5? Is there a way to get a "FC5.x86_64-standard kernel" 
> without SMP?
> Regards,
> Harald

Similar symptoms for me -- including occasional core dumps on 
thunderbird startup (and other odd behavior) -- turned out to be a bad 
DIMM.  It failed memtest86 repeatedly.

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