Want uni-processor kernel on FC5 x86_64

James Wilkinson fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk
Tue Aug 29 07:27:01 UTC 2006

Harald Grossauer wrote:
> Motherboard:
> Product :    A8N-SLI Premium
> Version :    1.02
> Serial Number :    123456789000
> Support MP :    Yes, 1 CPU(s)
> Version MPS :    1.4

I'm using the non-premium version of this motherboard without problems.
They're very similar (I think it just has extra SATA ports, a software
SLI switch and a PCI Express x4 where I have an x1 slot).

Do you have a dual-core processor? (What's the Athlon 64 model number?)
If you do, you *might* want a BIOS upgrade.

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | Top Tip: If you are being chased by a police dog, don't
aprilcottage.co.uk | try to get away by crawling through a tunnel, going onto
                   | a little see-saw, and jumping through a hoop of fire.
                   | They are trained for that, you see.
                   |     -- "Bystander", London magistrate

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