Same command name; different versions; one Fedora...

Paul Howarth paul at
Tue Aug 29 14:02:03 UTC 2006

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> James Wilkinson wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what you are saying.
>>> I only have one "echo" program /bin/echo and one "true" program /bin/true
>>> . I would find it confusing if I had two programs /bin/echo and
>>> /sbin/echo which did slightly different things.
>> You also have echo built into bash. If you type (say)
>> $ echo Trinity College Dublin
>> into bash, bash *won't* call /bin/echo, but use its own internal
>> variant. Try
>> $ type echo
>> $ type yum
>> and look at the differences.
> That's a completely different issue.
> As I pointed out, if an application asks you to type "true"
> it is unlikely to be invoking the program "/bin/true"/
>> I'm sorry if I'm shattering some of your illusions here. But there is a
>> lot of Unix precedent for things that do *much* the same thing to be
>> called by the same name.
> You haven't yet given any example of two different programs
> with the same name.
> I know lots of examples of the opposite -
> the same program with symlinks with different names,
> where the program looks to see what name it was called under,
> and runs slightly differently in the different cases.

That is *exactly* what consolehelper is doing.


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