Same command name; different versions; one Fedora...

James Wilkinson fedora at
Tue Aug 29 16:43:44 UTC 2006

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> You haven't yet given any example of two different programs
> with the same name.

By which you mean, presumably, "stuff that's in Fedora, that's *not* a
console-helper related program (because that's what you're complaining
about), and that are individual files in the filesystem (so shell
builtins don't count)".

Presumably, too, things like Postfix's and Exim's sendmail commands and
other alternatives (see man alternatives) don't count, because they're
not really supposed to be installed at the same time (although the
alternatives system makes it possible).

The "in Fedora" excludes the historic Unix practice of having BSD
utilities with the same name as System V utilities, on the same system,
but in different directories.

How about the "kerberized" versions of standard networking utilities? 

$ ls -l /usr/bin/ftp /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  84040 Aug 17 14:16 /usr/bin/ftp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 109824 Aug  8 23:50 /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp

$ ls -l /usr/bin/telnet /usr/kerberos/bin/telnet
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  98592 Feb 12  2006 /usr/bin/telnet
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 170816 Aug  8 23:50 /usr/kerberos/bin/telnet

The /usr/kerberos/bin utilities will use Kerberos to authenticate,
whereas the /usr/bin ones won't.

I fail to see why shell built-ins don't count, by the way...

E-mail:     james@ | DON'T be put off by "horror stories" spread by others. | People who talk about death and serious injury are very
                   | rarely the ones who have actually suffered such things.
                   |     -- Adrian Plass

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