The Linus view of GNOME 3.2

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Fri Dec 2 12:38:21 UTC 2011

I'm a long time KDE user and survivor of the move to KDE 4. 

Thought some of you may be interested in the view point of Linus....

"Hey, with gnome-tweak-tool and the dock extension, gnome-3.2 is
starting to look almost usable.

Now I just hope those things become part of the standard gnome shell
setup and made available in the regular "system config" thing rather
than hidden off. Sure, make them default to off if you want that "clean
default", but make them easy to find and part of the standard install.

Or would that be too close to "Ok, we admit we were wong" and thus not
politically acceptable?"

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something
completely foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete
fools. -- Douglas Adams in "Mostly Harmless

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