Fedora 15 is a lot like Windows OS's.. irritating, offensive, difficult to use with ease, nauseating to try...

Łukasz Jagiełło jagiello.lukasz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 11:43:42 UTC 2011

2011/9/2 Amadeus W.M. <amadeus84 at verizon.net>:
> But it's a sin to take something good - granted, possibly not perfect -
> and turn it into something unusable for so many people. Why did the UI
> have to change to something that looks and feels like a giant smart
> phone? Integrated chat and messaging? Where did that come from? Thank God
> you guys didn't integrate that into the kernel!
> I can't find much information about the gnome3 developers, but they must
> be generation Facebook - it's the "stay connected" philosophy that I see
> in gnome3. There's more to computing than that.
> I wish someone from the old guard found the time and energy to step up
> and straighten things up. I know, I know, different times, different
> priorities. The gnome2 UI was good, only the internals would have to be
> changed as needed.

Don't forget about people like me who really likes new gnome3. You
want change distribution only cause you doesn't like new gnome3. Did
you write all your problems at F-15 alpha stage or earlier stage when
everything was possible to do ? Guess not, but now you want to back
some support only cause you doesn't like it. Of course there are many
people who wrote here how they doesn't like gnome3, but did you think
when people who like something doesn't special write about it.

Łukasz Jagiełło

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