Setting Command line to 80 x 25 ascii mode

Gregory P. Ennis PoMec at PoMec.Net
Thu Sep 15 00:28:56 UTC 2011

Hello all

I am using kde on fedora 15. I need to setup a couple of login terminals
on Alt-F2/F3 to 80x25 ascii resolution (of the dos/cga days). Have
researched a lot but can't seem to find a short & simple answer.

Please point out links for changing display mode on the fly and
permanent changes.

With best regards.


I have used konsole to connect to a SCO unix machine and have been able
to change the size of the window by controlling the environment
variables in the remote machine. 

The only way I have found to do this is to set the environment variables
while using xterm as the terminal emulator on the remote machine. 


You have to set the variables before you start the next process or new

Good Luck


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