LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 13:19:05 UTC 2011

>> Why LXDE instead of XFCE? Just curious...
> That's what LXDE and possibly XFCE are satisfactory - they give me
> impression (still subjective) of a relative freedom using a GUI. I
> dislike (as in "loath") OSX and Windows for the opposite reason. As for
> Gnome3 and Unity, it has became the same: The users must adapt to the
> DE. It's not anymore a set of tools put together to help him, it's a
> complete environment designed for him.

And I'm curious why doesn't anyone even mention KDE as an alternative
for Gnome3? As it seems, these days KDE4 is by far the most advanced,
most mature and most configurable desktop environment out there.

If you want to adapt the DE to your needs (as opposed to adapting
yourself to a new DE), KDE seems to be the best possible choice.

I really don't see why Gnome2 lovers and Gnome3 haters fall back to
XFCE and LXDE automatically, without even trying the KDE spin... Is
there some silent collective KDE-boycotting in place here or what?

Best, :-)

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