LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Sat Sep 17 20:43:01 UTC 2011

On 09/17/2011 01:28 PM, Alan Cox wrote:
>> I personally think that you GNOME 3 devs are incompetent (I know that there
>> >  are some who are not happy about the state of it and perhaps will get an upper
>> >  hand in due time - the sooner the better).
> That seems uncalled for. Trying to build a new desktop is a large, non
> trivial project.

How about the way that you can only trigger a specific and needed action 
(I don't remember which, as I don't use Gnome 3.) by going to the top 
left corner of the screen and this can only be changed by installing a 
third-party extension that lets you use the top right corner instead. 
It was recently revealed here that this was done because the Gnome dev 
who did it is left handed.  From what I can tell, the other devs either 
let him do it whatever way he wanted without comment or if they did 
comment, he ignored them.  This type of "development" leads to a 
confusing mishmash of inconsistencies, which is one of the things that 
drove me away.  I may be wrong, but I've also gotten the impression that 
in many cases, a small group of devs forced the rest of them to accept 
something that most of them didn't like simply by being intransigent 
until everybody else gave up and let them have their way.  If not, the 
results certainly look like that to me.

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