LXDE is an acceptable substitute for Gnome 2

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Sep 18 04:16:18 UTC 2011

Am 18.09.2011 02:21, schrieb Craig White:

> People who are getting worked up about the current state of GNOME 3 are
> just being stupid... they have other DM's to choose from

this is a dumb argumentation for several reasons

first of all most people have work to do and not look all the time
which desktop does not interrupt their workflow

and stupid are only people who accept all and switching silently
because the chance is big if not enough people are saying loud
enough that it is stupid throw away a DE and replace it with another
one while raise only the version counter sooner or later the desktop
they choose now will make the same epic fail

the same for "if you are unhappy with the direction fedora goes"
everybody who says "switch the distro" must be a child and never
worked in his life because he has simply too much time if he
can happily switch his whole system

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