"fans seems to work fine" & "It's not enough that they spin"...

Don Quixote de la Mancha quixote at dulcineatech.com
Sun Sep 25 17:08:08 UTC 2011

32-bit ARM or PowerPC systems don't need fans.  If you want a quiet
computer, buy an old PowerPC Mac used and run a PowerPC Linux distro
on it.  Doesn't Fedora support PowerPC?

However 64-bit PowerPC requires fans that sound like jet engines.  I
don't think there are 64-bit ARMs yet but I understand they are

I have a Core Quad Xeon box that I run Fedora on.  It has 16 GB of
FB-DIMM memory.  FB-DIMM has gone out of style because it uses so much
more power, but has superior performance for multithreaded
applications because multiple cores can read or write to the same
stick at the same time.

However, I keep it in my bedroom.  If I fall asleep while the door and
window are shut, I will wake up in a sweat as the room will become as
hot as a sauna!
Don Quixote de la Mancha
quixote at dulcineatech.com

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