Developers responsibillity to Fedora Users

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at
Wed Sep 28 06:26:27 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:30 PM, Terry Barnaby <terry1 at> wrote:
> But its seems like a lot of people would like Gnome2 back. Why doesn't someone,
> who has a problem with it just rebuild and release Gnome2 for F15 (with a
> different package name) ?

Apparently it is already being done (sorry, forgot the new name of the
fork). However, AFAIK, it is far from straightforward to "rebuild and
release" it. Gnome 2 and 3 use different versions of the same set of
libraries, and cannot coexist on the same system easily. And Fedora
has a lot of Gnome3 dependencies, even if you do not install Gnome3
itself. So the old Gnome2 needs to be heavily patched at the source
code level, if it is to interoperate with the rest of the distro. This
is much more complicated than just rebuilding srpms.

HTH, :-)

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