Developers responsibillity to Fedora Users

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at
Wed Sep 28 12:03:02 UTC 2011

On 09/28/2011 02:26 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:

>> But its seems like a lot of people would like Gnome2 back. Why doesn't someone,
>> who has a problem with it just rebuild and release Gnome2 for F15 (with a
>> different package name) ?
> Apparently it is already being done (sorry, forgot the new name of the
> fork). However, AFAIK, it is far from straightforward to "rebuild and
> release" it.

A usable fork of gnome2 will NEVER happen. People who think it will have 
no idea of the size of the gnome project and related gtk-based projects. 
Are they going to set up new source code repos? A new bugzilla? New 
translation teams? A new release team? A new set of core developers 
actually adding new code? Will other gtk-based projects (like my serial 
terminal program, moserial) release gtk2 and gtk3 variants?

However, gnome-shell is heavily customizable through extensions. If 
people want a gnome2-ish experience, they would be better off writing 
extensions to mimic the gnome2 experience. Some already exist, of course.

I personally like gnome-shell. I can only conclude that people who don't 
are bad people. People who kill kittens. Shame on you!

- Mike

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