Cannot change the locked screen background...

Fernando Cassia fcassia at
Mon Apr 16 13:40:00 UTC 2012

I was able to change the background bitmap, and also the log-in background
bitmap (by overwriting the defaults in
/usr/share/backgrounds/releasename/default )
But never the locked screen background.

I' ve tried this script, that supposedly works, but doesn't (it was
originally made for Ubuntu, which includes gksu, -Fedora doesn' t- so I
replaced it with beesu...

# GUI to change the Desktop, Login Screen and Lock Screen Backgrounds in
# Depends on zenity
# Authors: Sikander Hayat Khan (idea) / Krytarik (GUI)

zenity --title="Choose Background Image" --info --text="Choose your desired
background image in the following dialog."
IMAGE=$(zenity --title="Choose Background Image" --file-selection)

if [[ `file -i "$IMAGE"` == *image* ]]; then
    SCALE=$(zenity --title="Choose Scaling Option" --height=270 --list
--text="Choose a scaling option for your background image:" --radiolist
--hide-column=2 --column="" --column="" --column="" FALSE wallpaper Tile
FALSE zoom Zoom FALSE centered Center TRUE scaled Scale FALSE stretched
Stretch FALSE spanned Span)

if [ -z "$SCALE" ]; then
    zenity --title="Info" --info --text="You didn't choose a scaling
option, the default, 'Scale', will be set."

APPLY=$(zenity --title="Apply to what?" --height=200 --list --text="To
which backgrounds shall the image be applied?" --checklist --multiple
--column="" --column="" TRUE Desktop TRUE 'Login Screen' TRUE 'Lock Screen')

if [ -n "$APPLY" ]; then

    if [[ $APPLY == *Desktop* ]]; then
        gconftool-2 --type string --set
/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "$IMAGE"
        gconftool-2 --type string --set
/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options $SCALE

    if [[ $APPLY == *Login\ Screen* ]]; then
        beesu "gconftool-2 --config-source=xml::/var/lib/gdm/.gconf --type
string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename '$IMAGE'"
        beesu "gconftool-2 --config-source=xml::/var/lib/gdm/.gconf --type
string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options $SCALE"
        beesu "chmod 644 '$IMAGE'"

    if [[ $APPLY == *Lock\ Screen* ]]; then
        beesu "gconftool-2 --direct --config-source
xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set
/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename '$IMAGE'"
        beesu "gconftool-2 --direct --config-source
xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set
/desktop/gnome/background/picture_options $SCALE"
        beesu "chmod 644 '$IMAGE'"

    zenity --title="Confirmation" --info --text="$IMAGE has been set as
your $APPLY.\n\nNote: You need to relogin for the Lock Screen Background to
be applied."

    zenity --title="Failed!" --error --text="You didn't choose any option,
nothing has been changed."

    zenity --title="Failed!" --error --text="You didn't choose a valid
image, nothing has been changed."

Any idea of what me going wrong?
The script runs fine (req zenity) yet it seems the values it tries to set
with gconftool do not apply to F16?


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