Message when running yum update

n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 n2xssvv.g02gfr12930 at
Sun Jul 1 10:28:31 UTC 2012

On 07/01/2012 11:24 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 01.07.2012 12:21, schrieb n2xssvv.g02gfr12930:
>> On 07/01/2012 11:13 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 01.07.2012 05:41, schrieb suvayu ali:
>>>> Hey Reindl,
>>>> On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at> wrote:
>>>>>> Woosh!  If you were of "a certain age," you'd have caught the reference instantly:
>>>>> Woosh!  If you were of "a certain age" that not all members
>>>>> of a english mailing list have english as native language
>>>>> nor do the read books or see films in english and the also
>>>>> do not recall the english wikipedia for any word someone says
>>>> Lighten up a little. Since we are all emailing in English and this is
>>>> the users' list, it should be fine to share a bit of English humour.
>>> not if this "humor" is oyur only reply and not marked as such!
>>> humor in emails is not working without any hint
>> not
> YOU GUY leave me fuck in peace as long you have not
> leant to use a mail-client and get rid of HTML mails
> this was told you many times now
> after your braindead argumentation in the thread
> "Cannot find valid baseurl for rpmfusion repo"
> you generelly better be quiet
n 1: an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he
succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at
a clip" [syn: {clip}]
2: an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes
or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year
for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time"
3: a period of time considered as a resource under your control
and sufficient to accomplish something; "take time to
smell the roses"; "I didn't have time to finish"; "it took
more than half my time"
4: a suitable moment; "it is time to go"
5: the continuum of experience in which events pass from the
future through the present to the past
6: the time as given by a clock; "do you know what time it
is?"; "the time is 10 o'clock" [syn: {clock time}]
7: the fourth coordinate that is required (along with three
spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event [syn: {fourth
8: a person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a
time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time
9: rhythm as given by division into parts of equal time [syn: {meter},
10: the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned; "he served a
prison term of 15 months"; "his sentence was 5 to 10
years"; "he is doing time in the county jail" [syn: {prison
term}, {sentence}]

v 1: measure the time or duration of an event or action or the
person who performs an action in a certain period of
time; "he clocked the runners" [syn: {clock}]
2: assign a time for an activity or event; "The candidate
carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene"
3: set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the
process to manufacture our cars very precisely"
4: regulate or set the time of; "time the clock"
5: adjust so that a force is applied an an action occurs at the
desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to
hit the ball squarely"

adj 1: serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being;
"otiose lines in a play"; "advice is wasted words"
[syn: {otiose}, {pointless}, {superfluous}]
2: not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be
replaced"; "a wasted effort" [syn: {squandered}]
3: (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as
a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial
paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm" [syn: {atrophied},
{diminished}][ant: {hypertrophied}]
4: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold;
"emaciated bony hands"; "a nightmare population of gaunt
men and skeletal boys"; "eyes were haggard and cavernous";
"small pinched faces"; "kept life in his wasted frame only
by grim concentration" [syn: {bony}, {cadaverous}, {emaciated},
{gaunt}, {haggard}, {pinched}, {skeletal}]
5: made uninhabitable; "upon this blasted heath"- Shakespeare;
"a wasted landscape" [syn: {blasted}, {desolate}, {desolated},
{devastated}, {ravaged}, {ruined}]

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