HOWTO update F17 machine with no internet access

James Wilkinson fedora at
Thu Jul 19 18:17:37 UTC 2012

Sam Varshavchik wrote: 
> Pick your favorite mirror, and rsync its updates directly, to a flash drive,  
> or something similar. Set enabled=0 in everything in /etc/yum.conf.d, then  
> just copy one of the configs and point it to the mount point of the flash drive.

Aaron Konstam asked:
> What is the meaning of  configs in the above sentence? 

I’m not Sam, but I suspect he meant copy one of the configuration files
in /etc/yum.repos.d : I’d choose /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo .

In the updates section, comment out the mirrorlist= line with a # and
uncomment the baseurl= line. Then change the http:// to a file:/// , and
add the path to the updates.

He didn’t specify this, but you might or might not need to run
createrepo each time, depending on quite what you do rsync.

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | It is difficult to produce a television documentary that | is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes
                   | one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing
                   | about toilet paper.                        -- R. Serling

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